Date: 10 October, 2021

We have a program to train CNC machinist with our 36 years of experience in CNC Machining, including math, read drawing, using inspection equipment, set up both CNC turning and milling machine, choosing the right tool for the right job, programming (CAD/CAM), verify their skill on real CNC machine, reduce cycle time, improve quality, reduce defect parts…..etc. Some thing that most of the university graduated engineer won’t able to do.

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Project development

Project development

We can develop a whole new project to set up a new factory in Vietnam, including tax incentive, business license, special permit, import and export procedures, building construction, human resource, managements, logistic, accountant, tax audit, administration, legal advice…etc.


Including machinery, metals, extruded aluminum, tooling, spare parts, shop supply…etc (One stop provider!).


We provide consultant to company whom have problem in production, quality control, management, reduce production cost….etc.
About us
Precision Technology CO., LTD. was original established in Silicon Valley, California and was moved here in Ho Chi Minh City in 1997 with state of the art facility, that company was CNC Technology before July/2009. We specialize in high precision CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining, one of the best companies in Vietnam, which can provide high precision and custom made mechanical parts also replacing imported parts.